Our Blog

These are The Only People That Will Grow Your Organization

I’ve heard it said, “my prospects are anyone who lives in XX,” “…anyone who believes that everyone deserves to see,” “…breathes.” If you caught yourself saying anything like this, you are wasting money, effort, and (gasp!) may not have a grasp of your business. Here...

Reduce Your List of Marketing Goals

As the story goes, Warren Buffett asked his pilot of 10 years to list his top 25 goals. Upon return of the list, he asked him to mark the top 5, essentially ending with a list of 5 and a list of 20. From this exercise, most of us would conclude to concentrate on the...

10 Ways to Keep Your Marketing from Failing

For the past 25 years I have been helping customers communicate. We have helped Marketing and Development Directors do everything from Towel reduction campaigns for the YMCA and fundraising materials for events at Dodger Stadium, to websites for cemeteries and...

Compelling Content Writing: Tips from a Cocktail Party

So you want to engage more with your current customers; or maybe get new ones. A couple of methods may include standing on the top of a mountain and shouting all the wonderful things you do and sell. Another (perhaps a wiser approach) is to develop a communication...

How to Design a Brochure

How to Design a Brochure

If you read How to Write Content for a Brochure, you will have most of the text outlined for your brochure. But much of its success is in the organization and presentation as well.   Many options The typical trifold brochure may be boring and overused, but it’s...

How to Write Content for a Brochure

How to Write Content for a Brochure

A brochure is a great piece of marketing material  that can be held, passed along, kept and stored, and that provides potential customers with something tangible in a digital world; and some of the language can even be re-purposed  for a web page. I cannot...

Family Connect Develops New Logo

Family Connect Develops New Logo

  We are proud to have been chosen by Family Connect to help them develop their new identity. Lauren Spiglanin will be opening an amazing home in Torrance with 6-beds for Alzheimer and Dementia seniors (or "Chronologically Gifted," as she beautifully refers to...

Marketing Communications SWOT Analysis

This is #2 of the multiple article series: Marketing Communications - From Strategy to Deliverable - by Sue Moylan   Previously… Our client “X”, a nonprofit, suffered from disjointed publications. Before starting on a new project, we recommended a re-assessment...

Let's Start Something new Say Hello!

We believe that every day comes with new opportunities. Let's get started!

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