Our Blog

Are your Marketing Materials Helping or Hurting?

This is #1 of the multiple article series Marketing Communications - From Strategy to Deliverable - by Sue Moylan   I decided to write this series in the hopes you will find it timely. There might be nothing better than learning from others’ experiences and, so...

Is your mailer Post Office approved?

Is your mailer Post Office approved?

Must be Friday the 13th. Today (after a very long morning), we saved a client from going over budget by $1400 when we caught issues with the piece that was about to go to print. Creating direct mail pieces is not easy. Not only is there message and design, but we must...

Hearing “Thank you” is not the same as Feeling Thanked

One of my nonprofit clients has been struggling with the right way to show appreciation to their donors when “Thank you” may not seem enough. So how do we say Thank you like we mean it? My initial gut reaction included the typical phone call, thank you...

Show them you care

Show them you care

  It’s hard to stay competitive unless you offer something unique. And when I say unique, I don’t necessarily mean a product that only you sell, or something so over the top that nobody else ever thought to do. Unique doesn’t have to be different, strange, or off...

Marketing Techniques for Long Term Success

Marketing Techniques for Long Term Success

  Here are a few of my favorite tips on how to increase sales: • Stay fresh and add new things. Each time you add a new product, you revamp or change something on your website, or send out a mailer, you are creating new opportunities for exposure and a reminder...

The Importance of Building Relationships

The Importance of Building Relationships

When I started this blog I emphasized the importance of building and maintaining relationships. This applies to for profit and nonprofit businesses and organizations. So let’s again touch on why it’s so important to establish and maintain these relationships. For me,...

If I print a booklet, does the location of color pages matter?

If I print a booklet, does the location of color pages matter?

Question: "Does it matter which pages in my booklet are in color?" Simple answer: "Yes," but of course there's more to it than "yes". Last time, I shared with you the optimum number of pages to print in a booklet for offset printing. The simple answer is “a multiple...

Does the number of pages in a book affect printing costs?

Does the number of pages in a book affect printing costs?

Question: "Does the number of pages in a book always affect the cost of printing?" Simple answer: "No," but of course there's more to it than "no". One of my nonprofit clients recently asked me for a quote to print an 8.5x5.5 booklet; the page count was somewhere...

Marketing for Nonprofits

Marketing for Nonprofits

Marketing is a foreign concept to many. An author can write the next bestseller, but it will only become that if readers hear about it. Sadly, the author may know the book is great, the publicist and editors may agree, but the book won’t sell unless it is promoted...

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We believe that every day comes with new opportunities. Let's get started!

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